When I was a young child, I remember the days before school started. I’d wait until the last minute to tell my parents about something I needed, usually on the very day I was supposed to leave. My dad would always say, "Ojo ajo lo ma re ekan na," which means, "You get ready late."
I recognized this pattern and knew I had to change it. I started becoming more conscious of the importance of thorough planning.

There was one particular instance, around the end of the year, when I decided to bake a cake. I knew I needed specific ingredients and a particular type of pan. So, before the baking day, I reached out to a friend who had the pan I needed, and I bought all the necessary ingredients in advance. On the day of baking, everything was set, and I successfully made the cake, sharing it with friends and family. The joy I felt from being prepared and giving out the cake was immense.
This experience taught me a valuable lesson: our blessings can be hindered by our lack of preparation. Sometimes, we are meant to bless others, but our poor planning can stand in the way.

It's the 6th Month of the Year – How Are Your Goals?
It's the halfway mark of the year. Have you been working on your goals? Can you say you have plans to achieve your goals? Do you think they will just happen by God's grace alone? Remember, God's grace helps us to labor more abundantly, as Paul said.

Let's delve a little into planning.

What is Planning?
Planning is basically thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. For my cake, I considered what I needed: the ingredients and the pan. I bought what I could and borrowed what I needed.

Take a look at your goals. Do you need to borrow resources to achieve them? When will you borrow them? When will you start working on them? When will you complete them to reap the benefits?

What to do to plan effectively.
Effective planning consists of a series of steps designed to ensure resources are used efficiently to achieve desired outcomes:
  1. Set SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  2. Prioritize Tasks and Milestones: Break down your goals into manageable tasks and set achievable milestones.
  3. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Understand where you excel and where you need improvement.
  4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Continuously review your plans, track your progress, and make necessary adjustments to ensure you are still moving in the direction of your goals.

Remember, when God asked Moses to build the Tabernacle, He provided detailed plans. Similarly, detailed planning in our endeavors, with guidance and perseverance, can lead us to success.
So, start planning today. Maximize your resources, borrow vessels if you need to, 'fill them with oil, and sell them to pay your debts'.  
You are a blessing, the world awaits a taste of your 'ready cake'- your manifestation.

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