Some time ago, I headed out of my house for an event. Before leaving, I went through the usual routine every woman and some men do before stepping out. There I was, standing in front of the mirror, admiring the glory of God. As I styled my natural hair and applied a light touch of makeup, I couldn't help but notice how my hair had improved – the length, volume, everything. It looked healthy and vibrant (those with natural hair will understand the feeling). In short, I was thrilled to see the noticeable progress in my hair. All the care and attention I had given it hadn't been in vain.

So, let's skip the hair 'drama'. After I finished 'admiring the glory', I left for the event. It was a beautiful occasion; everything went smoothly, and soon it was over. As I prepared to head home, I encountered someone who remarked, 'Your hair isn't even growing at all.' I forced a smile, feeling a pang of disappointment. If only I hadn't noticed the improvement earlier and hadn't given me a reason to be excited, perhaps it would have been easier to brush off.

Anyway, I still needed to return home. When you're happy or sad, you must return to your house when night falls. So, I got home and did something unusual. No, I didn't cut my hair. I stood in front of the mirror again, inspecting my hair and pulling it to check its length. However, this time, I felt indifferent about it. I thought, 'Maybe this hair isn't growing as much as I thought?' I felt disheartened, and perhaps my initial excitement had been misguided. I scrutinized my reflection again and again, now with uncertainty. I wasn't sure what to make of my hair anymore.

You know, there are days when you wake up, look in the mirror, and feel all the positive vibes. You delve into the Word of God and feel uplifted. But then, you step out only to hear words that contradict or hurt.
Afterwards, you start to doubt what you saw earlier. Doubt creeps in because of a single word spoken by someone else. But don't let that shake you. The devil has lost his grip. Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Conversely, fear also comes by hearing, but this time, it's the words of men!
Don't doubt what God has spoken to you because of what others have said. The Word of God has existed from before the beginning.

Simultaneously, we are continually transformed as we look into the mirror of His Word. God still corrects us through His Word, urging us to refine ourselves. Don't let anyone deceive you with flattery or misrepresent who you are. Remember your roots, your journey, and most importantly, your destination!

James 1:23-24: "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

Don't forget what you see in the reflection of Scripture. Don't forget what God has spoken over you! The corrections and the promises.
May is already a blessed month. We are entering a season of fulfilment of God's promises. Stay tuned for remarkable testimonies.

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash  

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