The Welcome  and Hospitality Department is an arm of the church responsible for providing first time worshippers to the church warm reception and create a positive impression of the church in their heart – something that would make them want to be part of the Rehoboth family.
First Time Worshippers refers to those attending our Church Service for the first time or the first time after a long time.
The Welcome & Hospitality Department also handles the management of New Converts. Providing follow up and ensuring that they are firmly established in the faith.

The Welcome and Hospitality department of RCCG Rehoboth Assembly is a ministry of service and The Vision of the Welcome and Hospitality Department is based on service to others and is found in Hebrews 13:2 (NIV) “Show Hospitality to Strangers” and Acts 15:36 “Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.”
 Based on this, the vision of the Welcome & Hospitality Department is to:
“Provide a memorable welcome to our first time worshippers to encourage them to join the Church while supporting ‘New Converts’ to ensure they are established in the Faith.”

For more information about how to volunteer in this department, kindly fill the form below and our team will reach out to you.  

Please provide some information about yourself, and one of our team leaders will be in touch with you this week