Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart.
Luke 18:1-2 AMP.
Here, at RCCG Rehoboth Assembly, we pray together regularly as a family.
Join us on this toll free number
+1 587 404 8396
Morning Prayer Call
Monday to Saturday
Time : 6 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.
Night of Grace
Last Friday of every month
Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
Monthly Cross-Over Prayers
Last day of every month
Time: 11:45pm to 00:15am
Monthly Prayer & Fasting
Last full week of the month
Monday to Thursday
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Weekly Online Prayer Vigil
Fridays from 11:30 pm to 00:30 am
Intercessory Prayers for Expectant Mums
Every fortnight on Wednesdays
Time: 6pm to 6:30pm